Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Information Communication & Technology

Information, Communication and Technology (ICT), is a subject that exposed the students to the ICT which are common used in our daily life. However, there are some of the ICT that are very new to me for instance the used of the Interactive Whiteboard. Apart from that, I also learn how to make the blog and utilize it  well. In this subject, I used the blog to upload the assignments, reflections, and also the link that showed that I followed my friends.

Besides, there are many other things that I can do with the blog and this allowed me to explore the blog and make it fully function throughout this subject. Throughout this subject, I also learnt how to used the data logger which are actually make our life much more easier to get the data used especially in the experiment. I feel fun and  enjoy the used of data logger since it give the accurate and automatically save the data record during the experiment.

Moreover, this subject also introduced me to the simulation and modelling which are sometimes I think that are common to me since I take minor Biology so there are a lot of simulation and modelling used to explain some of the process involved, however, when I do some finding on what are actually the simulation and modelling there are some different and now I understand it much better.

So, as the conclusion, throughout this subject there are many of ICT applications that are some new and some are common to me. Therefore, this subject are very beneficial to me since I can apply all the ICT applications when I posting to the school and start my work as a teacher.

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